What can I do inside a Jupyter notebook?
Inside the Notebook, the interface is 1 blank horizontal cell with typical file menu options running atop. The cell can contain Code (python) or Markdown (text). The cell numbers are a history of executed code or markdown.
Different things I can do inside the Jupyter Notebook:
From the selected cell: Command Mode = esc, Edit Mode = enter
From Edit Mode: M = markdown, Y = code
Import Pandas to Jupyter Notebook: import pandas as pd
Import a .csv file: df = pd.read_csv(“heart-disease.csv”)
Jupyter is awesome because you can view data immediately! Here’s how:
Display first 5 rows: df.head()
Display first 10 rows: df.head(10)
Shortcuts: New cell below = B, New cell above = A, Delete cell = DD
Can run code, text and images all within the same space. Can also run terminal commands.
Sharing my environment with someone else will allow the other party to re-create a test that I have done. This is done by exporting a .yml file of the environment in Conda.
Sharing Conda by exporting a .yml file: conda env export > (file name).yml
Must be in active Conda environment to export (conda activate c:\users\(user)\desktop\sample_project_1\env)
Once exported, the file can be shared — don’t forget to share the associated pictures or .cvs files!