2 min readMay 26, 2020


Hello World!

I am starting a new blog today. My goal with this new blog is to document my learning experiences as I explore the Data Science world. I will be periodically posting details of the problems I am trying to solve, technologies used, and datasets, along with associated results. This is purely for personal interest and development, however I hope to be able to eventually use this as a professional reference as a big-data enthusiast and an aspiring Business Analyst.

Tools I am starting off with:

Anaconda— contains everything a Data Scientist would need, but more robust than my needs for learning.

Miniconda — contains more specific tools and a much smaller footprint. I will be using this tool.

Conda — assistant with Miniconda that I will also be using.

** Note that I use the terms Anaconda and Miniconda interchangeably

To install data science tools (matplotlib, numpy, pandas, and scikit-learn) in the Anaconda promt enter: conda create — prefix ./env pandas numpy matplotlib scikit-learn

To activate conda environment and launch Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda prompt enter: conda activate c:\users\(user)\desktop\sample_project_1\env

Then enter: jupyter notebook

Testing to confirm environment is setup

To shut down Conda from the Anaconda Prompt hit ctrl-c

Then to get to “base” enter: conda deactivate

Results: I have setup a project folder and installed the correct tools for future projects. These steps will be repeated when I want to access the environment and work on projects in the Jupyter Notebook. The next step will be sharing my Conda environment to simulate real world examples of project workflows.




Business Analyst with an MBA in Business Intelligence. Machine learning student. Exploring data through analysis and solving problems using ML tools.